Pick-Pack Module

Last Updated August 18, 2020

Orderwerks has 2 different processes available for Pick-Pack for users. There is a simple, non-saved Pick-Pack feature which doesn’t enforce any details, and is more meant to be utilized by businesses that aren’t interested in more detailed Pick-Pack features. This is the default for accounts.

Our more robust offering is the Pick-Pack Module that you can enable and which allows further options such as specifying Lots for Packing List Items and Carton Counts for Packing Lists.

  1. Click
    then Settings under Business.
  2. Click Fulfillment
  3. Toggle on Pick List Management
  4. Scroll back to the top and hit
Process Flow Overview

The Pick-Pack module requires a particular process flow in order to work correctly:

  1. Create a Pick List
  2. Create a Packing List(s) from a Pick List
Creating Pick Lists

The Pick List can contain 1 or more Orders to include in the Picking. You specify how many actual items are Picked per line. All identical items across all the orders are grouped together, and giving you a total quantity.

*Coming Soon: Warehouse Aisle/Bin management to prioritize the pick sequence.

  1. Click
    then Orders
  2. Select the Checkbox next to each Order you want to create Pick Lists for.
  3. Click
  4. A New Pick List will be Generated and you will be brought to it once ready.
  1. Click
    then Pick Lists
  2. Click
  3. Search for an Order to Pick in the Lookup.
  4. Click next to the lookup to add each selected Order.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 for each additional order (if desired).
  6. Click to create the Pick List.

Save As You Go:
You are able to save as you make progress by clicking

Lock the pick list:
Once completed, Click . From this point you are now able to create one or more Packing Lists from the Pick List.

Creating Packing Lists From A Pick List

With a Finalized Pick List, Click in the top right.

The Sidebar gives two options:

  1. Group Orders Per Customer, Per Address
    • This allows orders being shipped to the same address to be grouped together in the same shipment group and to be on the same packing list.
  2. One Order Per Packing List
    • Allow only one order per packing list.

Regardless of the option selected, you’ll then be able to specify the number of shipments per Shipment Group so that a Packing List is created for each one. This is important if you want to specify and track the different order line items being added to different shipments.

Upon clicking save, Click View Packing Lists to be brought to the Packing Lists view.

You will see a Packing List for the number of Shipments you had specified. Each of the Packing Lists will refer back to the Pick List that you had created it from and will be in an unlocked state until you finalize the Packing List.

Manage A Packing List
  1. Click View or Click the Packing List Name.
Edit A Packing List Details

Editing the packing list is straightforward. The Ship Qty column allows you to specify the total shipped in the Packing List. You have reference columns for both Pick Qty. and Order Qty. next to it.

If You Have Lots

Check ‘Use Lots’ to ship with Lots on a particular row. The Packing List line item ship quantity is now controlled by the Lots line items, and will auto-adjust the ship qty. as you adjust the Lot line items.

With the ‘Use Lots’ checked, the Lots Detail view will display under the packing list line item allowing you to Search for Lots and Add them. Each packing list item can have 1 or more Lots associated to it.

You can specify the Lot Qty. shipped for each lot.

There is also an additional helper feature to allow you to Create New Lots directly from the Packing List screen saving you time.

Save and Finalize

Save Packing List:
As you make changes Click to keep them.

Lock Packing List:
Click to lock the Packing List

Create Shipment from Packing List
  1. Once the Packing List is finalized, Click
  2. Make the selections as necessary for the Shipment.
  3. A Shipment will be attached to an existing Shipment Group for the Order(s) or a new one will be created.